Wednesday, July 26, 2006

First ride!

I rode home today. A small oil leak means that tomorrow I'll have to visit the mechanic again.

The ugly carburetor is temporary.


Anonymous said...

Very nice jooob on that DAX! I ve a pair of questions. How long did it take to do that restoration job? Only 3 month? Did you use any plane from honda service to do the breakdown? And well the last one...How much money did you spend on it?
I have also one dax sitting in the garage for some years now and every time i see her i say to myself i will restoret one day and after I said to would not be that easy and you need time and ble ble excuse... In your pics look easy but still need some motivation tips!
Again Congratulations,

Ziz said...

3 very difficult months! Especially for the chrome stuff. No Honda plans, I just disassembled everything in a large room, laid them far apart, each part's screws near it. As for cost, don't ask... but my Dax was very old and needed lots of parts from CMS.

Plans here:

If you need anything else, write me your email address, to send you more links.

Do it, it's fun!

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Hello I did not start the restoration of the honda dax yet. I know I know ... but you said it was dificult and i did not have time to do it so far. Well the thing is that i have tried to get the plans of the st70 from the web page you send me -hondaheaven- and it does not seem to working anymore! Could you send them to me in case you have them?!? Please?
By the way do you still have the dax? hope sooo :)
Thanks so much