Saturday, July 29, 2006

Bad news...

I decided to take a longer ride yesterday, but after 25 km the motor stalled. I had to take it back with the road assistance. It's probably the original '70s coil, which I didn't change...

I forgot to take photos of the bike on the truck.

Next week I will have checked everything needed for the final order. Mainly the fenders, so that the rusty ones can be painted to something close to the original Silver Cloud, which was silver paint over chrome, impossible to replicate.

I need some hand-cream. My hands are like sandpaper...

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

More photos

The oil leak turned out to be nothing, a seal in the clutch.

First ride!

I rode home today. A small oil leak means that tomorrow I'll have to visit the mechanic again.

The ugly carburetor is temporary.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Almost finished


The second order arrived today! Exhaust, rear suspension, switches, installed. Wheels, brakes ready. Hopefully tomorrow we'll be finished with the major parts.

On the front suspension problem, we had to dismantle it again, and I found out that the brand new original Honda nylon guides that control the lateral movement were 2,9cm in diameter instead of 3 of the old ones. So we used the old ones, as even a new order could be 2,9cm again. They were definitely the right part number...